Senior Living & Townehouse News

Ventura Townehouse Barry LaComb

Say Hello to Barry La Combe

Decorative green leaf

At the young age of two months, I was adopted, and my wonderful parents raised me in the San Fernando Valley. I graduated high school there and then went on to serve in the US Navy as a radar technician for four years. My wife and I enjoyed 38 years together during that time. We enjoyed square dancing, camping, fishing, and cooking in the great outdoors. My specialty was smoking various types of meat. My wife was the baker, and I was the cook. We made a great team.

My experience in the navy and my passion for electronics secured me a 35-year career at Point Magu NAS. The last 20 years I worked as an electronic technician with Airborne Threat Simulation Organization, working to help our war fighters to improve their skills in the air. I was very proud of the work I performed. I retired from civilian service from Point Magu NAS on March 1, 2020, to care for my wife. My wife passed away in February, 2024. I am looking forward to my retirement here at the Ventura Townehouse.