Senior Living & Townehouse News

Ventura Townehouse resident Tom O'Neal

Introducing Tom O’Neal

Decorative green leaf

My birth took place in Tenafly, New Jersey, on March 19, 1943. In my high school years, I played football, tennis, wrestled and in college I played soccer. In my senior year a school counselor asked me if I planned to go to college and what would I major in? I did go to Roanoke College in Virginia majoring in chemistry because it sounded like a good choice.

With graduation I joined the Air Force going to Officers Candidate School. Based in the South Philippines, I was part of the parachute delivery of goods to bases in Viet Nam. I was discharged as a captain and returned to the US and found myself at LSU teaching chemistry. Geology and oceanology became my desires, and I received a Chevron Fellowship and teamed it with my GI Bill to return to those studies at USC with, also, a Sea Grant Fellowship. I worked in the petroleum field for four years. From there I taught at USC Northridge and ultimately here at Oxnard Community College for forty-five years. In my mid-twenties I was losing my hearing and so hearing aids became a way of life. Eventually I had a cochlear ear transplant in both ears. So wonderful to hear better. Last year I retired and recently, because of physical ailments, my son thought I should consider looking for a more secure living condition which I’ve found here, and I love it.